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Writing on Computer

New Literacies,Content Analysis,and Text Mining

While traditional literacy study focused on reading comprehension and writing capabilities with corresponding research paradigms, new literacies study attempts to understand a phenomenon or approach a specific research issue by identifying important patterns and topics in the ocean of information, sometimes with part of the data selected for in-depth analysis. Therefore, text mining and content analysis have become popular methods in the field of new literacies. It is also a new frontier need to be studied in the field of learning sciences and technologies. 

Group Students Smilling

Critical Issues in Learning

Using psychological, educational, and sociological lenses, this course will deal with critical issues in learning and learning technologies from the research community’s standpoint. This discussion-based course centers around the most significant and emerging issues and examines these issues critically by employing the highly cited academic papers as vehicles for discussion. On this tentative syllabus, topics related to self-regulated learning, academic achievement, learning engagement, E-portfolio, learning analytics, social robotics, Game-based learning, COVID-19 and learning, English medium instruction, and teaching Chinese as L2, are covered as illustration, and highly-cited articles under each topic provided. However, a final list of topics and corresponding articles will be decided based on students’ mutual interest and need. Students are encouraged to suggest topics as well as articles.

Team Talk

What Matters Most To You And Why? 

What Matters Most To You And Why?是個看似簡單的問題;但當面對這個問題時,許多人往往會陷入沈默。一路讀書考試的你,可能從來沒有靜下心來好好梳理自己,也從未認真想過自己有著什麼樣的願景、信念與價值?在面對人生下個階段的十字路口,你感到迷惘與徬徨。讀研究所、進大公司歷練或自己創業,未來看似無限可能,你卻感到動彈不得。在漫長且艱難的人生中,到底是什麼驅動著你往前進?此門是由史丹福學術基金會與清大共同開設的史丹福微課程。課程名稱取自史丹福大學 (Stanford University) 經典申請入學題目。旨在協助學員向內深層探索,真真切切地認識自己,藉此發展出意義深遠的人生方向。課程將由史丹福大學校友擔任講者與導師 (mentors),在六週的課程當中,除了講者們具啟發性的生命歷程分享、多元觀點的對談;也將以小班制深度引導學員由設計思考方法出發,從不同角度自我反思,提煉出屬於自己獨一無二的動人故事。


Reading and Writing across Fields


Adult Students

Research on Reading

這門課程從人們的閱讀行為與書寫出發,探討傳統的「讀寫素養」在數位時代的轉變、多元體驗,以及這些特質和需求對未來相關產業人才培育之啟發。「新素養」並不只是探討新的科技或符號在理解與表達上所擴展之可能性,它探討的是各種不同的和文本互動以及和世界互動的方式。「跨域讀寫」除了在文本內容上兼具敘事性文本 (narrative text)和資訊性文本(informationaltext),在媒材形式上涵蓋多元模態(multimodality),也從讀寫、資訊、媒體、批判素養的視角探索閱聽人和創製者的角色與各種可能性。


Research on Learning and Teaching

探討中小學與高教階段和學習與教學相關之議題與實徵研究,例如翻轉教室、科技與學習、補習議題、東西文化差異、大學生 學習經驗研究、學習軌跡與專業認同、學習成果與多元素養等。

Desk with Book

Foundation of Education


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